50 yards for my my daughter to know the depths of how much I love her
50 yards for her to know just how proud I am of her
50 yards for her to know how much I believe in her and her decision this day
50 yards to meet the man who will love her the rest of his life
"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
I looked in to her eyes, hugged her, kissed her and told her she will always have a place in my heart
I turned and faced Brandon and told him that "she is now yours. I trust you with her. Take good care of her."
I put her hand in his and sat next to my helpmate-the moment was over and the spotlight was where it should be-on Rachel and her soon to be husband
I had thought carefully over the past weeks about that moment and what I hoped to share
I wanted Brandon to know I trusted him with my daughter
Almost 25 years ago I stood where he did. Not just as a young man with great hopes and love and joy, but one desiring to know I could be trusted with my young lady, Carolyn
When I had asked for her hand in marriage, the normal questions came out. "Where will you live? How will you provide for her? What will you do with your life?" All good, practical questions I for which I had little specific answers
In the midst of that discussion I asked my soon to be father-in-law, "Do you trust me with your daughter?"
There was a pause and a nod. "Yes"
We had gotten to the "real" question behind the question. We now were working out the details together as we cared for his daughter, my soon to be wife, Carolyn together
This was my hope for Rachel with these final words to Brandon
The importance of trust
When he asked for her hands a few months ago we made sure he knew he was in the "circle of trust" in our family. He was invited into our family
Is it a risk to trust? Sure. Does trust take courage? Sure.As I reflect today on those last 50 yards with Rachel, this is one message I hope they cling to as Carolyn and I have: Trust is critical for intimacy, growth and friendship. It is given but can be lost. It is worth the risk and should be treasured deeply.
May our circle of trust be strong